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Well we had booked the flight a year back but planning is not done much due to our tight schedule of work. We had our rooms book via Airbnb where we get a service apartment to share with our group of friends during this round of Japan trip. Our 5 days 4 night trip comes simply a relax trip with a group of friends. A trip to Kyoto and Osaka for our this round trip.

Well, I missing #Japan now
Our itenary in #Kyoto comes simply simple and we hope to be back there exploring the culture and the history of Kyoto if we have our second chance again

Day 1: Osaka Airport Kyoto Station  Checkin to our apartment booked via AirBnb Nishiki Market (錦市場, Nishiki Ichiba)  Kyoto Tower

Food Exploration
松屋 日航関西ホテル located nearby the Osaka Airport
風堂 錦小路店 (Ippudo Ramen) nearby the Nishiki Market
Noming in the Nishiki Market
ホテルグランヴィア京都 located in Kyoto Station

Day 2

Sagano Romantic Train  桑田神社  Arashiyama (嵯峨野 竹林の道)  Kiyamizu – Dera(京都清水寺)

Food Exploration:
A little Shop at Kiyamizu Dera
Snacks and delicacies around the street of 京都清水寺
Haagen Dasz Ice Cream

As for #Osaka, the culture is different from #Kyoto

Day 3

Kit Kat Shop  Osaka  Checkin Hotel Tombori River Cruise  Dotonbori  Umeda Flooting Garden Observary

Food Exploration:
Sashimi @ Nishiki Market
Japanese Noodle Shop – Tokiwa

西成二代目 にしかわや

Day 4
Osaka Castle Shinsaibashi  Tampozon Osaka

Food Exploration
Lotteria Shinsaibashi
Café Doutor
Osaka Ichiba Sushi
McDonald's Shinsaibashi

Day 5
The port of Osaka  Osaka Bay Cruise “Santa Maria”  海遊館 OSAKA AQUARIUM KAIYUKAN (JAPAN)

Food Exploration
Sanuki Udon
かに道楽 道頓堀本店
MAISON de gigi
焼肉の牛太 本陣 心斎橋店