Well, I missing #Japan now
Our itenary in #Kyoto comes simply simple and we hope to be back there exploring the culture and the history of Kyoto if we have our second chance again
Day 1: Osaka Airport Kyoto Station Checkin to our apartment booked via AirBnb Nishiki Market (錦市場, Nishiki Ichiba) Kyoto Tower
Food Exploration
松屋 日航関西ホテル located nearby the Osaka Airport
風堂 錦小路店 (Ippudo Ramen) nearby the Nishiki Market
Noming in the Nishiki Market
ホテルグランヴィア京都 located in Kyoto Station
Day 2
Sagano Romantic Train 桑田神社 Arashiyama (嵯峨野 竹林の道) Kiyamizu – Dera(京都清水寺)
Food Exploration:
A little Shop at Kiyamizu Dera
Snacks and delicacies around the street of 京都清水寺
Haagen Dasz Ice Cream
As for #Osaka, the culture is different from #Kyoto
Day 3
Kit Kat Shop Osaka Checkin Hotel Tombori River Cruise Dotonbori Umeda Flooting Garden Observary
Food Exploration:
Sashimi @ Nishiki Market
Japanese Noodle Shop – Tokiwa
西成二代目 にしかわや
Day 4
Osaka Castle Shinsaibashi Tampozon Osaka
Food Exploration
Lotteria Shinsaibashi
Café Doutor
Osaka Ichiba Sushi
McDonald's Shinsaibashi
Day 5
The port of Osaka Osaka Bay Cruise “Santa Maria” 海遊館 OSAKA AQUARIUM KAIYUKAN (JAPAN)
Food Exploration
Sanuki Udon
かに道楽 道頓堀本店
MAISON de gigi
焼肉の牛太 本陣 心斎橋店