What makes an ideal contact lens? Professional Service Manager of Vision Care, Bausch and Lomb Malaysia, Alice Tan describes the ideal contact lens as one that provides satisfactory visu-al performance, acceptable comfort, adequate corneal physiology, and ease of handling. On top of that, factors to be put into consideration when selecting a suitable contact lens are
comfort, convenience plus the user’s needs and lifestyle.

The Bausch and Lomb Biotrue® ONEday daily contact lens featuring revolutionary material
Hypergel, has since been considered the ideal contact lens by many professionals and users alike for its winning qualities.

“Hypergel, a high-moisture next-generation material, was designed to work like the eye,
matching the cornea’s 78 per cent water content and mimicking the tear film’s lipid layer to
retain moisture. Inspired by the biology of the eye, the material combines the lens polymer with Surface Active Macromers which mimic the lipid layer of tear film to resist dehydration and main-tain water within the lens for up to 16 hours. The material which combines the best features of conventional hydrogels and silicone hydrogels retains 98 per cent of moisture throughout the day, ending the day with more moisture than many lenses begin with, meets the oxygen levels an open eye needs without the use of silicone to maintain healthy, white eyes and it matches the cornea water content, which provides exceptional vision and comfort throughout the day”, said Alice Tan, Professional Service Manager, Vision Care Bausch and Lomb Malaysia
when asked about what was so unique about Hypergel.

When choosing a suitable contact lens, many would put the water content of the lenses into
consideration. While a higher water content provides good initial comfort, it does not necessary translate into all day comfort, as this generally cause dryness at the end of the day. Biotrue® ONEday Daily contact lens is unique because it mimics the lipid layer of tear film to prevent
dehydration thus provide moisture up to 16 hours, surpassing all major contact lens brand in the market today.
Tan stresses the importance of good oxygen flow for the eyes. “The cornea, the outermost layer of our eyes has no blood supply of its own. Therefore, under the open eye condition, atmospheric oxygen is dissolved in tears and absorbed by the cornea. When one wears contact lenses with poor oxygen transmissibility, the oxygen supply to the cornea can be disrupted. This can lead to corneal swelling and if the condition persists, blood vessels can grow into the cornea and cause new blood vessel formation. Such complications are common when one wear contacts to sleep, particularly with lenses that are not designed for overnight wear. And in general, overnight wear of lenses is more prone to eye infection and that is why sleeping in contacts are generally not recommended”, said Alice Tan, Professional Service Manager, Vision Care Bausch and Lomb Malaysia. To maintain healthy, white eyes, Tan recommends that users choose a lens that can provide the amount of oxygen that the open eye needs.
Above all benefits, Bausch and Lomb Biotrue® ONEday Daily’s Hypergel is the first soft contact lens material that provides UV protection. It can block 70% of UVA and 95% of UVB radiation. However, Alice Tan, Professional Service Manager, Vision Care Bausch and Lomb Malaysia ad-vised against forgoing the regular UV-absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing goggles and sunglasses for a complete protection.
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