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 Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur once again kicked off the festive season with its  heartwarming Embrace Christmas Charity Tree Lighting Ceremony, held on 23 November 2023. This longstanding  tradition, deeply rooted since 1985, serves as a beacon of hope and generosity, raising funds to support children with severe heart ailments and other critical medical conditions.

Through the Embrace - Gift of Life program, a philanthropic project initiated by Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur, the hotel has raised an impressive sum of over RM 4 million over the years, providing vital support to hundreds of children in need. The Embrace Christmas Charity Tree Lighting Ceremony has become a cornerstone of the hotel's charitable endeavors, reaffirming its commitment to making a positive impact on society.

This year's event showcased the Enchanted Wonders Christmas Charity Tree, adorned with six varieties of enchanting ornaments available for donations at RM1,100 each. In addition, five limited edition ornaments were available for RM 5,000 each, offering a unique opportunity for those eager to make a more significant contribution to this noble cause. 

Crafted by Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur's talented pastry experts, led by the exceptional Chef Wayne Siow, these beautiful ornaments embellished a mesmerizing 10-tiered tree. Each spinning tier proudly displayed the names or logos of the generous donors, symbolizing their unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of these children.

The magical tree lighting ceremony was graced by Mr. Daniel Kaeflein, General Manager of Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur, alongside the Embrace recipients, creating a truly memorable and heartwarming moment.

In the true spirit of the season, Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur was honoured to share this festive moment with refugee children from the UNHCR, Pusat Penjagaan kanak-kanak cacat Taman Megah and Embrace recipients. The joyous high tea held at Lemon Garden served as an opportunity for everyone to come together, celebrate the season, and share compassion with those in need. This event reiterated the importance of community support in bringing hope and joy to the lives of children facing adversity.

Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur extends a heartfelt invitation for everyone to join in spreading joy by contributing to this meaningful cause during the festive season. For more information on the Christmas charity tree ornaments donations, please call us at 03-2032 2388 or email
